Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 Recipient | AIA Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture- Conga Room By Belzberg Architects

The Conga Room is a new Latin club designed by Belzberg Architects in LA. Description by architects, "The Conga Room, in its new location at LA LIVE in downtown Los Angeles across from the Staples Center, is the city's premier Latin nightclub. The space will feature today's hottest Latin performers in its 14,000 square feet live venue space, which includes a restaurant, three distinct bars, patio seating and a VIP lounge and private room. In addition, the club will host LA TV and world-renowned DJs adjacent to the stage and above the crowd, adding even more excitement to the ambiance. Perhaps the club design's greatest intent is to be the energy of the Latin community, to play homage to its roots and deep history while infusing it with Los Angeles' fervent modern lifestyle."
In an effort to meet the clients aesthetic desires for a ceiling that reflected the vibrancy and dynamism of the Latin culture, a pattern was developed made of diamonds from the rumba dance step. The ceiling also boasts a state of the art LED lighting system, which required lighting analysis and optimization, using various building performance software. Patrons ascend the staircase wrapped around this glowing spectacle. Its pattern morphs into the pedals and flowers, and responds to the varying conditions of program and space.


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