Monday, August 03, 2009

Green Globe - The Globe Eco-Hub, Modiin, Israel

New proposals for downtown ModiinThe Globe Ecological hub in Modiin is a generator, creating a thorough connection with its local population. The natural formations characterising our planet are expressed within the spatial perception of the project. Round shapes, curved surfaces and methodical voids are being exposed as integral part of the landscape surrounded the site.
The city of Modiin has been established a decade ago, and planned as a multi-level endeavor by Moshe Safdie and Associates. It has become a dynamic, rapidly growing center and a home for young, educated and cultural-seeking population. The GEH is situated at the city core, as part of a “green chain”; a series of urban open spaces consist of main boulevards and a recreation park, planned by the City Hall.

The site is divided into 2 main masses; The Museum area is designed as a pre-historic creature, half-buried skeleton that has been “revealed”. Its first part (the “tail”) serves as entrance & reception, info & shop, management & offices, WC & cloakroom. The main part (the “head”) houses permanent & temporary eco exhibitions. A covered path between them (the “skeleton”), describes the enriched origins of the actual site. By digging onto the ground, the main part creates a “crater” serving as an open sheltered space for free public events and projections. The second mass is a linear structure of open courts in various on- and- underground levels, as if it was an excavation site. Apart of an underground parking lot, other levels are devoted for workshops, labs, study halls, library, studios, Cafeteria and Sci-Bar, for public use and participation.

The GEH uses eco means to demonstrate its targets. Smart sensors will control varied natural light via main south façade, for different effects on the exhibitions. Photo-voltaic cells are framed within the grass covered the cap of the main volume, reducing energy expenses. By submerging onto the site soil, a use of natural coolness while ventilating the inner spaces is achieved. Drinking & washing water will be used for irrigation of the landscape surrounded the site.
The hub is planned as a multi-use urban venue and on-going endeavor, using various means for both locals as visitors.


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